     ##       ####   ####   ####       ##  P O S T M O D E R N
     ##  #### ####  # ## #  ####  #### ##     C U L T U R E
     ##       ####  ##  ##  ####  #######
     ##  #########  ######  ####  #### ##  an electronic journal
     ##  #########  ######  ####       ##  of interdisciplinary
     ####################################  criticism
     Volume 1, Number 1                                Fall, 1990
     Editors:                         Eyal Amiran
                                      Elaine Orr
                                      John Unsworth, Issue Editor
     Editorial Assistant:             Gloria Maxwell
     Editorial Board:
          Kathy Acker                 Chimalum Nwankwo
          Sharon Bassett              Phil Novak
          Michael Berube              Patrick O'Donnell
          Marc Chenetier              Susan Ohmer
          Greg Dawes                  John Paine
          R. Serge Denisoff           Marjorie Perloff
          Robert Detweiler            Mark Poster
          Jim English                 Carl Raschke
          Henry Louis Gates, Jr.      Mike Reynolds
          Joe Gomez                   Avital Ronell
          Robert Hodge                Andrew Ross
          bell hooks                  Jorge Ruffinelli
          Susan Howe                  Susan M. Schultz
          E. Ann Kaplan               William Spanos
          Neil Larsen                 Tony Stewart
          Jerome J. McGann            Gary Lee Stonum
          Larysa Mykyta               Chris Straayer
                                      Greg Ulmer
     Masthead & Table of Contents                    CONTENTS 990
     Preface                                          PREFACE 990
     Andrew Ross, "Hacking Away at the
     Counter-culture"                                  ROSS-1 990
                                                       ROSS-2 990
     bell hooks, "Postmodern Blackness"                 HOOKS 990
     Laura Kipnis, "Marx: The Video (A Politics
     of Revolting Bodies)"                             KIPNIS 990
     George Yudice, "Feeding the Transcendent
     Body"                                             YUDICE 990
     Kathy Acker, "Dead Doll Humility"                  ACKER 990
     John Beverley, "The ideology of postmodern
     music and left politics"                        BEVERLEY 990
     Neil Larsen, "Postmodernism and Imperialism:
     Theory and Politics in Latin America"             LARSEN 990
     Susan M. Schultz, "Voicing the Neonew"
     [a review of "Postmodern Poetries: Jerome
     J. McGann Guest-Edits an Anthology of
     Language Poets From North America and
     the United Kingdom," _Verse_ 7.1 (Spring,
     1990): 6-73.]                                    REVIEWS 990
     Jim English, "Vacation Notes: Haute-Tech in
     the Haute-Montagnes" [Popular Culture
     Column]                                         POP-CULT 990
     The Editors, "Postface: Positions on
     Postmodernism"                                  POSTFACE 990
     Announcements & Advertisements             [WWW Version only]

     Special thanks to Greg Dawes for his assistance in starting
     the journal and preparing the first issue, and to Chuck
     Kesler, systems programmer at NCSU, for technical support.
     We would also like to thank the NCSU Humanities Computing
     Lab, the NCSU Social Sciences Computing Lab, and the
     Connecticut College Computing Center.
     Unless otherwise noted, copyrights for the texts which
     comprise this issue of _Postmodern Culture_ are held by
     their authors.  The compilation as a whole is Copyright (c)
     1990 by _Postmodern Culture_, all rights reserved.

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